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Friday, September 9, 2011

Nice thing on a nice date at the nice place. all 9.

today is 9-9-2011, a great friday.
Chan Long, Yeong Jong, Lim Wei and I went to midvalley to watch a namewee's film---nasi lemak 2.0. It was a good oppoturnity for 4 of us to do something for our idol.

It was shown in hall 9.
We were very lucky we got the tickets at a cheap prise and even a good seat. Nice view!
We saw many of our catholic high students there. They are also namewee's loyal film I guess!

The movie was awesome. It can fight with avatar, titanic or other geng movies. The storyline was good, the actors were funny and professional. Namewee was so geng that he can produced a quality film that talks about malaysia. And he was not using any kerajaan's money.

Go watch it, be a malaysian. :D
How can people like J.Bieber more than Namewee??